Tuesday 30 December 2014

Pengedar Shaklee Bintulu : APA ITU "rip current" untuk PENCINTA LAUT...

sharing is caring.... 

Asif Ahmad Hasbullah added 2 new photos.
We know some seas, beaches and rivers do have dangerous spots. And one of the most common spots is called rip current. I think this is my responsibility as an open water swimmer to educate my fellow facebook friends, as lately, it has come to me that some really nice and good people have been lost (inna lilliahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un) due to this rip tide.
Everytime I go to the beach with my friends and my families, there was one thing I always did. Scan the tide. Rip current can be detected with careful eyes. Rip current is dangerous and it could cause drowning to death. Please take note. This could save lives of others.
Di kebanyakan pantai, akan terdapat satu laluan yang tercipta untuk membenarkan air ombak yang sampai ke pantai untuk turun kembali ke laut. Ini terjadi bila ombak terpecah dan air perlu laluan baru. Dan laluan/channel ini dinamakan rip current. Rip current boleh bergerak melebihi kelajuan perenang tegar dan mengheret mangsa sehingga ke laut.
Antara tanda rip current ialah,
1. kelihatan satu laluan tenang walau tempat lain berombak.
2. berbeza warna.
3. kelihatan buih-buih laut yang membentuk satu barisan ke arah laut.
4. Ombak terpecah..
Ini sangat penting. I cannot stress how important it is for people to know about this current. Malaysia bukan macam US, ada lifeguard. Di US ada lifeguard pun, setiap tahun purata 100 orang lemas sebab rip current. Untuk menyelamatkan diri andai terperangkap di dalam laluan rip current,
1. Belajar berenang.
2. Jangan panik. Bernafas secara tenang dan bersedia untuk ambil nafas dalam. Simpan tenaga dan fikir elok-elok.
3. If you are a weak swimmer, apungkan diri dan biar rip current tolak sehingga ke tengah laut sedikit, kemudian berenang ke tepi di mana rip current sudah perlahan.
4. If you are a strong swimmer, terus berenang ke tepi, keluar dari laluan tersebut. The only thing that will make it worse is if you swim against the current. It's a death wish. Don't fight the current.
5. If you don't know how to swim, pada saat anda ditarik, bertenang, tarik nafas panjang dan menjerit minta tolong sambil melambai tangan. I pray someone will be there for you.
Nasihat saya, sentiasa berteman, sentiasa berhati-hati, sebelum melangkah ke laut, scan dulu arus dan ombak. Belajar berenang dan educate diri dan masyarakat. Education is the key.
Setiap kali ada kes, saya sedih. Selalu menyalahkan diri, I wish I could have educated them. If this knowledge was shared, a lot of people might have been saved.
Ini pesanan saya. Keep calm and stay safe. Al Fatihah buat arwah. 
Asif, Kapas Marang Swimathon Finisher 2014.

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